Friday 22 May 2009

Some photos of the Duo - Vancouver New Year's Eve

We decided that rather than hanging out in SD for new years eve, we needed a break and off we went for a white new year's eve to Vancouver. Call it a mini-moon, it was great to see something else and experience something new. We flew into Seattle and drove north - my first US border crossing which was not at all troublesome.. actually easier than the airports.
If you want an interesting wine, cheese and charcuterie experience, you should head to Salt in the Gas Town situated in a street called Blood Alley - yes it does take some work trying to find it.. but nevertheless worth the effort. Great wines and excellent parings.. It reminded us of the restaurant we visited in Slovenia, with Andreja, the Jarvis (pre-child) and Josef P.. the same one when I got the "flu" and headed to sleep early..
We also caught up with Tim and his girlfriend Timberley. Kind of cute actually. and it was good to catch up with him and hear all about his antics - He is the Chevron coverboy and we learnt a lot about how gas is priced..
We also went to Stanley Park in the freezing cold to walk around and get some exercise and got to see all these cool totem poles. As John loves to drive, we also headed up to Whistler for a day - really pretty up there and a great setting for the Olympics in 2010..

Hope you all dig my London pimp style winter coat..

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