Wednesday, 24 October 2007

San Diego fires - We are returning home today

Satellite view of the fires

Photo of the Witch Fire in Poway (an area about 5 -8 km from us)
Our evacuation was lifted this morning and we are now free to return home from this devastating fire. The fire that was threatening our neighbourhood was the aptly named the "Witch fire". This fire is only 1% contained at present.

The fire was rougly about 2-3 kilomenters from our home so I think we were fortnuate that we were not one of those families that had their homes destroyed or damaged. Furthermore, we were more than fortunate in our evacuation as we did not end up in a stadium for the last 2 nights but in a 4 star hotel in La Jolla. It was also complimentary so we did not have any crazy hotel bills. this was organised through one of the executive assistants in our office. (In the US, PA's or secretaries are call executive assistants, as I was rightly corrected when I made the faux pas of referring to someone as a PA)

The other truly impressive experience has been the community spirit in ensuring that everyone was safe. It was great to see San Deigans help each other out in a time of need. According to news reports, Qualcomm Stadium (where most of the evacuees have been sent) had received so many donations that they had to ask people to stop bringing in food.. (If only this could happen in Sudan or some third world country)

One person referred to himself and his family as "refugees" and that I have to say is a bit rich given that their house was not impacted nor did they end up in any of the shelters but in a decent apartment. I think its all relative here, but refugees, we are not. Going back to your home to pick up your artworks does not make you a refugee.. Seeing you house burn in front of your eyes (which many families did experience) will make you feel like a refugee - thats for sure.

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